Wednesday, March 18, 2009

एआईजी द्वारा बोनस से अमेरिकी नेताओं ने कड़ी आपत्ति जताई - मार्च 18, 2009

हिन्दी अनुवाद:

अमेरिका की प्रमुख बीमा कंपनी एआईजी (अमेरिकन इंटरनैशनल ग्रुप) द्वारा अपने कर्मचारियों को 16. 5 करोड़ डॉलर का बोनस देने पर अमेरिकी नेताओं ने कड़ी आपत्ति जताई है। राष्ट्रपति बाराक ओबामा ने जोर देकर कहा है कि इस भुगतान को रोकने के लिए कानूनी रास्ता अपनाया जाएगा। इस बीच बोनस के बारे में ज्यादा खुलासा करने पर न्यू यॉर्क के स्टेट अटॉर्नी जनरल एंड्रू कूमो ने एआईजी के खिलाफ अदालती नोटिस भेजने शुरू कर दिए हैं।

ओबामा ने सोमवार को कहा, यह ऐसी कंपनी है जो अपने बेतरतीब कामों और लालच की वजह से खुद को मुसीबत में डालती है। ऐसे हालात में यह समझना मुश्किल है कि कंपनी में बोनस देने की मंजूरी कैसे दी गई। उन्होंने कहा मेरा मतलब है कि वे करदाताओं के सामने अपने इस कदम को कैसे सही ठहराएंगे जिनकी बदौलत यह कंपनी चल रही है। ओबामा ने वित्त विभाग को निर्देश दिया है कि ऐसे बोनस के भुगतान को रोकने के तरीके ढूंढे जाएं। पिछले 6 महीने में एआईजी को अमेरिकी सरकार से सहायता के तौर पर भारी मात्रा में पैसा मिला है।

English Translation:

The company, on its fourth round of government bailout money, recently paid millions to executives who created the risky derivatives at the epicenter of the financial meltdown.

The president is up in arms. Federal lawmakers are threatening to tax the bejesus out of the bonus recipients. And the public anger is palpable.The bonus contracts were in place long before the insurance giant took the first federal bailout money in September. And the bonuses were paid legally — part of a program that had been disclosed in advance in filings AIG made with the government, according to the Associated Press.If the government begins unilaterally ignoring contracts, it will create more turmoil in an economic atmosphere that can't sustain any more uncertainty. And, very practically, we want those AIG executives to stay on the job. The incredibly complicated financial instruments at the core of the economic downturn aren't so easily understood by outsiders. The people who created the problems that brought AIG to its knees are at work unraveling them so the company can be cut into pieces and sold. That will benefit taxpayers who have about $170 billion in the company and own roughly 80 percent of it.

Putting a hold on bonus payments might satisfy the public urge for revenge, but potentially could do greater damage to the public pocketbook. In the nation's capital on Tuesday, a bipartisan group of legislators took on the issue with a vengeance. Senate Democrats proposed a narrowly tailored "bonus tax" that would recoup more than 98 percent of the bonus money given to AIG executives. That said, let it end here. This must serve as a lesson for those in Washington as they consider spending more of our tax dollars to prop up ailing financial institutions.

They need to do a better job structuring any aid so that public money cannot be used for bonuses. When taxpayers know their money is being squandered by companies like AIG, it undermines any effort by President Barack Obama or Congress to get the country back on track.

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